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Wheel Upgrade Kit
Wheel Upgrade Kit Options
Axle Kits
$325 (Short Axle)
$325 (Long Axle)
Control Wheel with Axle Kits
$1,195 (Short Axle + White Wheel)
$1,195 (Long Axle + White Wheel)
Cygnet Aerospace's Control Wheel Upgrade Kit, allows those of you with older type, skinny wheels to convert to the newer, Large Style Ram's Horn Control Wheel.
Control Wheel Upgrade Installation Instructions please click here.
Applicable Airworthiness Directives:
The Control Wheel Upgrade Kit eliminates both of the following
Airworthiness Directives:
The Axle Kit alone eliminates
Airworthiness Directive:
71-24-10 R1.
How do I know if I need to purchase a short or long axle?
Single controls always use a short axle.
A dual control must be inspected to determine if a short or long axle is required if only one wheel is being upgraded. If both wheels are to be upgraded then one of each will be required.